Bros this verse identifies us as believers in Christ to hear, to recognize and to obey Jesus, for Him to know us, and to follow Christ. I read once that when shepherds had to go far away from their areas for greener pastures. The various different shepherds that came into a village during the evening after letting their sheep graze all day use to put all their sheep in one sheepfold for the night for protection. I thought to myself how can they possibly separate their sheep from the other shepherd’s sheep in morning when taking them back out to the fields? But upon doing some research found that the shepherds spend so much time with their sheep they might have a song they would sing, or a whistle melody they would whistle and then always talking around the sheep so that they become very familiar with their voices and recognize their shepherds’ voice and so they know them… When they get their sheep out of the sheepfold they would sing their song then only their sheep would respond and follow them. Bros when we spend time with the Lord Jesus Christ in His word, prayer and meditation upon His word, we recognize His word, His calling, His Holy Spirit, His truth ministers to us in the most intimate way and He shows us things we have never known before, we see things in His word we have never seen before, we hear from Him through that intimate time of fellowship and love, that time with our Shepherd, we respond to our Shepherd and Savior when He calls, we know His love for us, we know His voice, we are led to a greater depth of intimate love for Him and from Him. We respond, we hear, we follow, we love Him, we are fed and nourished by Him and through all that He is to us, we cherish Him, we adore Him, we abide in Him, we trust Him, we obey Him because we know Him intimately. This is the way He can know us through this personal time of having a right relationship that we should always have with Him and that is maybe why he says “I know them and they follow Me.” And Bros when we follow Him, listen to Him, hear Him, trust Him, and obey Him; He gives these promises and truths when He says this in the following verses "And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.
"My Father, who has given [them] to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch [them] out of My Father's hand (John 10:28-29 NKJV).” We are secure in Him. Does He know you intimately? If not; He should know you today, so you can hear His voice, and so you can follow Him-amen!